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Why oh WHY?Views: 959
Jan 19, 2009 11:28 pmWhy oh WHY?#

Reg Charie
Must I have to log in before looking at a store's products?

Following a link to the store of a new member I find that to look at any of the catalog's pages, I have to give them my email address..

Even though the personalized products look interesting it goes so much against the grain that I will just leave.

Reg - NEW!! Turn photos into paintings http://FantasticMachines.com
All You Need is Dotcom-Productions and a Dream. http://dotcom-productions.com
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CRELoaded websites http://RegCharie.com - SBTT http://thinktank-network.ryze.com

Private Reply to Reg Charie

Jan 19, 2009 11:40 pmre: Why oh WHY?#

Ingrid Webster
Reg, I agree. I am very unhappy about this annoying practice. Of course we all understand that email harvesting is an integral part of ecommerce, but if your products and/or services are good - you will get your email list.

Hopefully merchants will realize over time that it is an unnecessary and often downright counterproductive feature.

Ingrid Webster

The Neverending Necklace
"A String of Love and Peace going around the World!"

Private Reply to Ingrid Webster

Jan 20, 2009 12:05 amre: Why oh WHY?#

Lindy Asimus
Agreed. I usually abandon the page at that point.

Then there are those that not only want an email address but want a phone number! hahaha. Then wonder why it isn't 'correct'.


Private Reply to Lindy Asimus

Jan 20, 2009 12:41 amre: Why oh WHY?#

Rodney Collins
I noticed that as well. I seriously wanted to look at the products but got put-off by having to sign-up to get a login in order to view the products.

I also went away from the site and I wonder how many sales have been lost by this strange approach.

Rodney Collins
Ready-to-Use Websites (now with Short-term lease option)
http://www.readytousewebsites.biz (easy.fast.affordable)

Private Reply to Rodney Collins

Jan 20, 2009 2:58 amre: re: Why oh WHY?#

Jennifer - BusinessIIBusiness
The best thing to do in this case is to leave your site "Wide Open" and let people find what they want.

This is actually a sign of a "lazy" marketer. They are just too lazy to come up with great landing pages, compelling content and a great presentation of product. They have somehow thought that if they just get the emails...they can market and promote to them even if they don't buy anything.

But...Reg is right, he/she/they are losing over 60% of their traffic to "frustration".

TIP: Try a note included in the checkout page...thanking them for their purchase and they would receive a discount by email for their next purchase. They can opt out at any time thereafter.

Customers who purchase and are happy..usually do not mind your emails...if they are targeted to their interests.

Legna Marketing Group

Private Reply to Jennifer - BusinessIIBusiness

Jan 20, 2009 4:40 amRe: Why oh WHY?#

Teddy Towncrier

There is perhaps a well considered strategy for wanting to know who is poking around and request a bit of information.

It requires a significant investment to get a visitor to our page. ..... Do we want them to 'steal' all our goodies and evaporate; Never to be seen again?

Realtors and Insurance Brokers frequently have stacks of very valuable information available and cheerfully give it away and hope that visitor will someday, return.

On the other hand; A local Realtor who is stuffing over a million dollars into his pocket annually, freely gives away his information but only after the visitor has identified themselves. ... and of course his staff (Or personalized automation). make contact and commence a relationship. .... (He's also paid handsome fees for lecturing on this strategy).

I too have an aversion to jumping through hoops but if the landing page clearly tells me that I'll be well rewarded for filling in a couple of blanks .... I'll do it.

Another major Canadian financial house buys an hour of radio time, 52 weeks per year and uses his call-in show for only one objective ... to get folks to fill in a couple of blanks on his page.

So maybe the advertizer is using a form as a filter to gather only serious prospects. .... Could this be his "Why"?


Teddy Towncrier CPP Towncrier-Media.com Supercharging Your Visions.

Speak with me here Click Here for My Twitter

Private Reply to Teddy Towncrier

Jan 20, 2009 5:36 amre: Re: Why oh WHY?#

Kurt Schweitzer
Isn't this the idea behind a squeeze page? Have a sales pitch that leads to "valuable FREE information" (like a white paper) - all you have to do is give them your email address.

Clearly they don't want to their website to sell stuff as much as they want it to generate leads.

Kurt Schweitzer
Urban Village Scooters

Private Reply to Kurt Schweitzer

Jan 20, 2009 5:50 amre: re: re: Why oh WHY?#

Reg Charie
This was for a bunch of personalized items, car flags, door hangers, key chains, lawn chairs and such.

I can see wanting to build a list, but forcing visitors to sign in before looking at the wares?

I would be willing to bet the bounce rate is in the 80 percentile range or higher.


Reg - NEW!! Turn photos into paintings http://FantasticMachines.com
All You Need is Dotcom-Productions and a Dream. http://dotcom-productions.com
0Grief http://0grief.com/special_hosting_accounts_for_my_ryze_friends.htm
CRELoaded websites http://RegCharie.com - SBTT http://thinktank-network.ryze.com

Private Reply to Reg Charie

Jan 20, 2009 6:06 amRe: Why oh WHY?#

Teddy Towncrier

@Kurt @Reg .... I certainly agree with both of you.

A catalog is just that and asking for info before entry wouldn't be too swift. ... (Unless it's a diamonds catalog).

In Kurt's case I can certainly see using "Request our .... " would be a used as a list builder and the original promo is now working forever.

Thanks for the thread, folks. .... I turned the subject into a blog post. .... Get over there & strut your stuff in the comments.

.... and I'm hitting the hay so you'll have to find someone else to torment.


Teddy Towncrier CPP Towncrier-Media.com Supercharging Your Visions.

Speak with me here Click Here for My Twitter

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