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Dorvak says SEO URLs suck.Views: 473
Feb 11, 2009 1:20 am Dorvak says SEO URLs suck.

Reg Charie

I have to agree and have been beating this (dead) horse for quite a while.

SEO URLs are where the normal database numbered URL like http://dotcom-productions.com/08/product_info.php?cPath=28 would automatically be changed to something like http://dotcom-productions.com/08/hosting_for_professionals_at_discount_prices or some such.

My reasoning is thus:
Google does not like us to try to "game" their search engine and using a script to modify the normal progression of the database is doing exactly that.

The idea to change the URL is not a bad idea IF, and only IF, the Google search bot does not read the URL properly and does not list it. This used to happen. However Google has progressed far beyond not being able to read dynamic URLs and this is no longer the case.

The SEO "experts" say it is a good idea because the user (and search engines) can see the keywords in the URL, but do they really need to?
Not a bit if your pages have proper titles and descriptions.

The experts also say it because setting a site up to do this means money in their pockets.

Dorvak said "I had a run rate closing in on 1.2 million page views per month when I turned on this supposed SEO trick. Boom! I dropped to 900,000 instantly. It's taken my site months to recover."

This is what happens when you try to "game" the search engines and get discovered.



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