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ProfessionalsViews: 194
Feb 08, 2009 10:50 am Professionals

Sunil Kumar
“We are Professionals”-- This is the common Phrase, that we hear day-in and day- out when we meet each other or when we interact with someone else. But many a times most of us forgets the basic things and turned out to be an “Employee” and just do the “Job” than being a “Professional” and make a “career”.
I would like to share with you some of my thoughts that add value to your professionalism.
Behavior of Professionals
Professionals have to set examples for their behavior in the society as perfect human beings and therefore some important behavioral traits of professionals are worth discussing.
Honesty and Integrity
These are expected characteristics of every human being, but essential for a true professional. A professional has to be honest and honorable in his deeds and honor brings in honor as reward. Integrity is a word often used, which broadly means moral soundness or totality or moral soundness in the behavior.
Responsibility and accountability
It is natural that a professional is responsible for his actions and behavior. He or she has to be ready to accept responsibility for their actions and they have to be accountable. Accountability is a term usually forgotten in the day to day activities, particularly for government employees, these days, as many of them find an excuse for being accountable for the deeds, because of no single person can be held responsible for a decision taken in an office.
Accountability is associated with responsibility. The importance of accountability has been accepted in government establishments now as promotion and other incentives are based on what you do rather than when you have joined an establishment. There was a time when promotion to higher posts was simply based on the length of service, rather than the amount of work that you have put in during the period.
Norms have been evolved to give incentive for extra work and people who cannot deliver, cannot go up the ladder even in government institutions. Of course, private institutions pay well to those who do well and those who do not perform will be shown the exit door at the earliest. In these days of high competition, accountability is the watchword. Many employers have done away with the annual increment in the salary and switched over to occasional incentives on successful completion of certain jobs.
These are days of consumer courts and consumer protection societies and doctors and other professionals who deals with human life have to be very careful in their decision making. Some decisions may go wrong, even if you have taken it in the best of faith, but sometimes, it may not be easy to prove your best intentions in a consumer court. In general, a professional has to be accountable to the institution to which he or she is attached to, to the public at large and to himself or his conscience.
Respect others if you want others to respect you. Some people may respect you because of your position and power you have, but true respect should come from within, because you deserve to be respected. Respect your elders even if they are in a lower professional cadre than you are.
Achieve excellence and be scholastic
A constant endeavor to achieve excellence is the hall mark of all successful professionals and even if you are not able to achieve extreme levels of excellence, there should be a conscious effort at improvement. Updating the knowledge should also be a continuous process, even after graduation or post graduation, the knowledge should be upgraded.
Even after acquiring the highest degree of Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Science, one has to keep their knowledge upgraded by constant reading and be aware of the recent developments in their area of specialization. This will result in your becoming second to none in your knowledge and will take you the goal of excellence.
This is particularly relevant for engineering and medical professions where the facts and findings of today become obsolete tomorrow as the technology is updated with better understanding of the biological processes are made available with the help of technology. Remember, excellence is not an end; it is a pursuit which has to be continuous.
A professional should be able to lead. Leaders are not born. By taking initiatives to do things in the early stages of one’s career and personality development, one can develop leadership qualities. It is easy to follow someone who is leading, but leading a group successfully to a destination requires skill, tenacity and initiative. Reluctance to make decisions in the proper time may result in your chance to lead a group. Please note this statement is not applicable to at least a section of the political leaders who get leadership thrust on them by their godfathers or sycophants for their short term benefits. True leader comes up because of his abilities and leadership qualities, not by sponsorship from his kith and kin. Remember the message “LEAD, FOLLOW or GET OUT OF THE WAY”. The leaders lead and the followers follow, but there is a group, though small who will do neither. These people become an ultimate nuisance to the society if they are allowed to continue as such.
Altruism or selflessness is:
• the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others
• acting with less concern for yourself than for the success of the joint activity
This can go a long way in building up the career of a professional. The world has given us so much, at least try to pay something back to the world. Any act done without expecting a reward will be ultimately rewarded by someone else. Things done without ulterior motives or without guilt feeling and without expecting a reward is real altruism. The ultimate reward for such selfless act will only be ‘ a feeling of goodness or satisfaction’ .

Caring, Compassion and Communication
These are again essential qualities a professional should develop. A professional should be caring and considerate to their subordinates and should show compassion and sympathy to those who are in distress. The fact that one cares for others should be expressed in a suitable way, so that the person in distress will feel the comfort of being cared for. Sometimes, even verbal or physical expressions of compassion can sooth the person to a significant extent. Mere expression of sympathy with hollow words cannot be of any use and can be easily detected by an intelligent person, even when he is in distress.
With Kind Regards,
Sunil Kumar.K.V
Manager & Senior Consultant
( HR & Corporate Affairs)
Dubai Business Advisors

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