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Why oh WHY?Views: 158
Jan 20, 2009 4:40 am Re: Why oh WHY?

Teddy Towncrier

There is perhaps a well considered strategy for wanting to know who is poking around and request a bit of information.

It requires a significant investment to get a visitor to our page. ..... Do we want them to 'steal' all our goodies and evaporate; Never to be seen again?

Realtors and Insurance Brokers frequently have stacks of very valuable information available and cheerfully give it away and hope that visitor will someday, return.

On the other hand; A local Realtor who is stuffing over a million dollars into his pocket annually, freely gives away his information but only after the visitor has identified themselves. ... and of course his staff (Or personalized automation). make contact and commence a relationship. .... (He's also paid handsome fees for lecturing on this strategy).

I too have an aversion to jumping through hoops but if the landing page clearly tells me that I'll be well rewarded for filling in a couple of blanks .... I'll do it.

Another major Canadian financial house buys an hour of radio time, 52 weeks per year and uses his call-in show for only one objective ... to get folks to fill in a couple of blanks on his page.

So maybe the advertizer is using a form as a filter to gather only serious prospects. .... Could this be his "Why"?


Teddy Towncrier CPP Towncrier-Media.com Supercharging Your Visions.

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