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Small Business Think Tank [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Small Business Think Tank Member ListingViews: 311
Aug 17, 2008 5:50 am re: re: Small Business Think Tank Member Listing

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


CDMM - Synergisitc Business Marketing

I design synergistice marketing programs for professional speakers and small buisness entrepreneurs seeking to penetrate high-profile niche markets.

As I see it, one of the challenges regarding online business networking is the development of meaningful business relationships. It's relatively easy to develop a large Ryze Friends List over time. But, to develop a truly meaningful and mutually beneficial business relationship with those "friends" is something else again. It can be very time-consuming and even frustrating.

I have been reading a lot lately online about netweaving and pursuing big ideas by taking a small and targeted approach. Did you see the movie some years ago entitled, "Pay It Forward?" That was a fictional account of a young boy who simply decides to help three people. In return for giving help to just three people, he requests those he helped not pay him back but "pay it forward." That is to say, each person the boy helped in turn helps three more people...and so on.

Well, while the movie and the book that inspired the movie were fiction, the Pay It Forward Foundation is very real and today operates in countries around the world. The foundation actually uses young people to engage in "pay it forward" activities to improve communities.

More recently, a fellow named Bob Littell has taken the "pay it forward" concept and applied it to the commercial business world, what he calls "netweaving." You might call his idea the Golden Rule as applied to business networking, what goes around comes around, or my personal favorite - "Good things happen to those who help MAKE good things happen."

In the best tradition of business netweaving, I have recently set up a SIG (Special Interest Group) called Clusters. This SIG is basically a forum where people who CARE about the success of others, can CONNECT with folks seeking help and come up with a GOOD DESIGN that actually benefits all those involved.

If you would like to be a virtual mentor in this system to just FOUR of these folks, send me a private message. Perhaps you can show four people a better way to work their way to success and reap benefits for your business in the process?

Lamar Morgan
CDMM - Synergistic Business Marketing
Attract more customers!

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901 (new win)

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